Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Yojana

Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Yojana

Pregnant women in India now able to avail free health care test under Surakshit Matritva Yojana which is recently launched by central government of India.

S.No Things need to know about Indian health Care System Detailed Information
1 Indian Health Care System Indian health care system is mainly carried by Private and Public health care However, Private healthcare sector responsible for starting majority healthcare facility across the nation
2 Rural Versus Urban Health Care System in India According the stats released by Indian government officials, only 2% of doctors are offer healthcare services in rural areas where 68% of net India’s population lives. But urban citizens avails lot of private healthcare facilities.
3 Common Health Issues faced by Indian Women Indian women’s commonly faces lack in nutrients and healthcare facilities during maternal period, Breast cancer, injuries from domestic violence and many more.

Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Yojana

Surakshit Matritva Yojana – Key Features

  • It improves the total health care systems of the pregnant women across the country.
  • Free medical checkups on 9th day of every month.
  • Under this scheme, the pregnant ladies for 3 months to 6 months will be qualified to get free checkups.
  • These free checkups will be held in all types of health care units including the private clinics and hospitals.
  • This Surakshit Matritva Yojana system covers health aspects of both baby and pregnant ladies.
  • Government of India offers all types of health care support to the pregnant women for totally free of cost under this Yojana.

Surakshit Matritva Yojana – Eligibility:

  • This Surakshit Matritva Yojana scheme is only for the pregnant ladies.
  • This scheme is for the ladies who are not from urban areas or semi urban regions. The pregnant ladies from rural areas will be preferred to get this free health care benefits.
  • The women in 3 months to 6 months of pregnancy will be eligible to take benefit of this Yojana.

Surakshit Matritva Yojana – Objective:

The primary aim of this Surakshit Matritva Yojana scheme of Indian government is to give complete protection for pregnant ladies from various diseases and infections. Normally, they are affected by the sugar, blood pressure, and some other hormonal problems. For managing all those healths issues and improve their overall health care facilities, the Indian PM Modi has recently announced this Yojana.

Appeal by government:

The government of India occupied all the health care centres including various private health care facilities across the nation under this Yojana to give all necessary health care facilities to the pregnant ladies on the 9th day of every month at free of cost.

Working process:

According the statement released by government officials during the launch, health care facilities across the nation will offers free health care test for pregnant ladies across the nation on every 9th of the month. At the same time pregnant ladies who are carrying from 3 months to 6 months are eligible to avail free health care test under this PM Surakshit Matriva Yojana across the nation. If anyone is found to be infected, the colored stickers will be given to find their seriousness.

Details of different types of stickers in the Yojana:

For pregnant women with high blood pressures given blue stickers, similarly for those pregnant ladies who suffer from seriously provided by Red Colour stickers and for the pregnant ladies who suffer from other deceases provided with yellow colour stickers.


  • With this Surakshit Matritva Yojana scheme, the pregnant women will be aware of all their health problems during the pregnancy time.
  • Regular check up will lower the chances of serious decease.
  • Different colored stickers will make is simpler for the doctors to treat their different patients.
  • It is completely free health care facilities given by the Indian government.
  • It will reduce the maternity death rate in India.  

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