Kishore loan under Mudra bank

Kishore loan under Mudra bank MUDRA Bank Loan fundamental object is to accomplish advancement in a comprehensive and maintainable way by supporting and advancing accomplice organizations and making an environment of development for the small scale ventures division. So far Rs. 24,000 crore have been scattered the nation over under the Center’s aspiring Pradhan Mantri … Read more

SKS Couldn’t Get More Lucky: MUDRA Refinance Line

SKS Couldn’t Get More Lucky: MUDRA Refinance Line This micro financing scheme has helped thousands of small business owners to expand their business and contribute their share in country’s progress. MUDRA has its success share in processing, manufacturing, and other business activities in trade and service sector. Recently, a piece of news broke silence of … Read more

MUDRA Bill: A Victim Of Delay! It

MUDRA Bill: A Victim Of Delay! It You must be hearing about MUDRA since years. This long talked debate has not yet reached to its conclusion. MUDRA bill was supposed to be presented in the parliament during winter session. But it seems this time too this bill is going to be a victim of delay. … Read more

Loan Demand and Consumption to See a Boost under MUDRA Lending Target

Loan Demand and Consumption to See a Boost under MUDRA Lending Target In order to push the MUDRA Yojana, the finance ministry has assigned the banks, a responsibility of lending total 1.22 lakh crore rupees to micro, small and medium business units, by March 2016. The banks have already disbursed a loan amount of 20,000 … Read more

Best Projects to Start with Mudra Loan

Best Projects to Start with Mudra Loan The announcement of the implementation of the Mudra Yojana Loan Scheme is like music to the ears of each and every entrepreneur or businessman out there who is struggling desperately to make both ends meet. In the form of refinancing and microfinancing, this loaning scheme from the Government … Read more

Mudra Yojana vs. Personal loan

Mudra Yojana vs. Personal loan Mudra loan and Personal loan are two different types of loans that are given by the banks or other financial institutions to the people. These two loan types cater different needs altogether. The first one, Mudra loan is for the small and micro scale industries and businessmen who want some … Read more

Get Loan In Rythu Bandhu Scheme Andhra Pradesh

Get Loan In Rythu Bandhu Scheme Andhra Pradesh The Rythus Bandhu scheme has been introduced by the state government of Andhra Pradesh. This entails a loan of Rs. 15 crore that will be sent to 1,024 farmers in the state. This was introduced by T. Harish, the Irrigation Minister of Andhra Pradesh. Harish stated that this … Read more

P2P Loans vs Bank Loans

P2P Loans vs Bank Loans In these modern days, many Indian borrowers are being familiar with the peer-to-peer (P2P) loan which is rapidly growing in India. Many people now want to get only p2p lending when they are in need of getting loan for any emergency financial situations. The banks are just the credit unions … Read more

Mukhya Mantri Saksham Balika Yojana in Rajasthan

Mukhya Mantri Saksham Balika Yojana in Rajasthan It is a common fact that despite the tremendous progresses made by India in the recent decades and years, female infanticide still continues to grow, particularly in the rural areas. The law enforcement of gender determination of the unborn fetus is declared as strictly punishable. However that does … Read more