How to check your name in NCR Register for Indian Citizenship

 How to check your name in NCR Register for Indian Citizenship Know ARN (NRC Assam Additional Draft exclusion list)

Central government has come up with the draft list relating to the national register of citizens Assam. As of now, the exclusion list of the candidates has come up on the official website on the 26th of June 2019. However, candidates with the help of their ARN number can check their name in the list. Among 1 lakh candidates who have been included in the draft NRC could not make it to the Final NRC list that would be released on the 31st of July 2019. The following part of the article would take you through other details of the exclusion list and how the candidate can make an appeal for the inclusion.          

NRC Assam Additional Draft Exclusion List

How to check name in NRC Assam Additional exclusion list?

To check name in the NRC Assam exclusion list, you have to go by the following steps.

  1. First, you have to visit the official portal of NRC Assam at As soon as you click on the link, the homepage would show up. From the homepage, you have to click on the live link of the exclusion list 2019.
  2. After clicking on the link, the new page of ARN would show up that has been published on 26th of June 2019. Under this list, the selected candidates can enter their ARN number, including the captcha shown. After this, you have to click on the search option that would show their online name in the latest 2019 exclusion list.

If the candidate has failed citizenship test in the state, then he or she can make an appeal to be included in the exclusion list. Other than this, if the person has provided some incorrect information in the application form, it would get rejected at the time of verification. So, these are some of the eligibilities depending on which the individual can opt for the exclusion list. Here again, the person should know their ARN number.

How to know ARN number from NRC Assam draft list?

The ARN or application receipt number is important to know as it will help to find your name in the NRC Assam Draft list. To get the list, you have to visit the

From the homepage, you have to click on ‘know your ARN’ option that comes on the second page. The toll-free number will help you in case you have lost the ARN number. The agents are responsible for taking care of the matter and providing you with suitable assistance. However, to know your ARN number, the registered mobile number or name of the head of the family would be required. For the offline applications, the candidates have to visit the NRC Seva Kendra to know about ARN number.

Details of NRC Assam consolidate a complete draft list

The final draft list relating to NRC Assam has been released on 30th July 2018. To get the list, the citizens have to visit the above said official portal. They can get the NRC draft list on the homepage itself. As soon as citizens enter ARN and click on the search option, the list shows up. 

Reasons for elimination from NRC exclusion list   

Voters who were doubtful considered foreigners or might have some pending foreigner tribunal cases were excluded from the NRC list. In addition to this, due to incorrect data, mismatch family data and related documents and unavailability of required documents, the applicants have been excluded from the NRC draft list.

Importance of letters of information for NRC Assam registration

The excluded candidates will receive letters of information that will be sent by government authorities. Pertaining to this, the candidates can opt for inclusion claims that can be disposed of by the disposing officer. However, the submission of the inclusion claim and disposal of the same will be done simultaneously.

The above-said letter would contain detailed information about when and where the candidate can submit the claim. However, the dates of hearing of the claim are yet to come up. It would come up on the 29th of June, and probably it would start from the 5th of July. Following this, the final results of the hearing will come up on the official website on the 31st of July 2019. However, the candidates who are excluded have to appear at foreigner tribunals to know about details of inclusion.

Details of amendment in Foreigners order 1964

Some amendments have been made by the central government during May 2019 in Foreigners Order 1964. This has been created to ease provisions of appeal for the candidates who have not been included in NRC Assam draft list.

As per updated notification released on 30th may 2019, the rejected candidates should provide rejected copy when they make an appeal to be included in the exclusion list of NRC Assam. However, if a person has already been declared as non-national by the state authorities, he or she cannot opt for appeal again. In case of any reference against any candidate, he or she cannot opt for appeal under NRC Assam list.

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