Is PAN Number Required While Taking Mudra Loan

Is PAN Number Required While Taking Mudra Loan To get Mudra loan PAN card is not essential but one can use it as an ID proof while getting MUDRA loan. In Mudra loan Pan Card is not checked to check your transactions and financial status. Many people are in confusion whether PAN card is required … Read more

Chhattisgarh disburses MUDRA Yojana

Chhattisgarh disburses MUDRA Yojana Chhattisgarh government has recently disbursed a loan of 1821 crore to the beneficiaries of the Pradhan Mantri MUDRA (Micro Units Development and Refinancing Agency) Yojana (PMMY). Ever since the PMMY had been announced, several people around the country had applied for it. In fact in Chhattisgarh alone there were 4, 83,792 … Read more

Is Aadhar Card Required To Take Mudra Yojana Loan

Is Aadhar Card Required To Take Mudra Yojana Loan Mudra Loan yojana was introduced by the PM of India Narendra Modi. The scheme was intended to help small entrepreneurs of the country who want finances to grow their businesses or to start a new business. There are lots of people who want to know that … Read more

Can I get Mudra Loan for purchasing a house?

Can I get Mudra Loan for purchasing a house? Answer to the above question is no. Home loan is a safe loan offer to people who wish to buy or develop a private/business property. Borrower can likewise get a home loan to purchase a plot or development on it. Banks contract the property as a … Read more

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Scheme

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Scheme The Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana is a Government of India initiative initiated for the betterment of girls in India and to present them a bright future. This scheme is targeted at parents or legal guardians of girl child so that they can create a deposit for the expenses related to higher education … Read more

Documents Required to avail Loan in Mudra Loan

Documents Required to avail Loan in Mudra Loan What is MUDRA ? :-PM Narendra Modi’s new policy is focused on developing the Indian economy. Numerous schemes have been launched through this policy, for example Jan Dhan Yojana. It was the objective of PM, through this scheme he had launched the MUDRA. The Micro Units Development … Read more

Gold Bond Scheme Yojana

Gold Bond Scheme Yojana India is one of the largest in terms of gold consumption. To satisfy the want for gold, India has to import around 800 to 1000 tons of gold every year. A mere estimation reflects, around 20,000 tons of gold are stocked by traders and household, and these are neither being traded … Read more

All Types of loan offered by different banks in India

All Types of loan offered by different banks in India Home loan People opt for home loans for a variety of reasons. This could be a construction of a new home, renovating, extending, purchasing a land or a property, paying stamp duties, etc. Each and every home loan bears a fixed interest and the payment … Read more

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana A house for everyone by year 2022, is what Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana promises. The government of India has previously launched this housing scheme, now this has been restructured and launched as Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. The main aim for this scheme is to achieve a yardstick of building two crore … Read more

Atal pension Yojana

Atal pension Yojana (APY) A great number of people in India, especially the working poor, are not secure in terms of income in their old age. In a move to aid these people for a stable source of income after their retirement, the government of India initiated the Atal Pension Yojana. This Yojana encourages the … Read more